
The Minutiæ Sesquincentennial

Come join us, and Bryce Dallas Hardridge, the great grandson of Alvin Hardridge, as we celebrate 150 years of Minutiæ!

A cen­tu­ry and a half ago a man and his broth­er, liv­ing in the long for­got­ten Amer­i­can state of Kanawha amidst a tur­bu­lent civ­il war, had dreams. They dreamt of a future of advanced trans­porta­tion, med­i­cine and cul­ture. Now, we may not be curl­ing up into balls to com­mute to hot ton­ic bath­hous­es or glam­ourous dog shows (where the dogs stand on their hind legs, wear­ing tutus and danc­ing the can-can) but part of their dream has come true: Minutiæ.

Alvin Hardridge and his broth­er Nat set out to cre­ate a lega­cy, and I, along with you, am part of it. Minu­tiæ has been there through the good, the bad, and the choco­latey cen­ter of the impor­tant 1960s. Minu­tiæ has gone to the moon and under the sea, trav­eled the ocean wide and sent count­less reporters to their unfor­tu­nate kid­nap­ping in the pur­suit of one thing: A truth.

Today that lega­cy lives on with Minu­tiæ and its sub­sidiaries: Minu­tiæ Day Beds, Minu­tiæ Sur­gi­cal Jams, ‘Lil Minu­tie’s Hardy Boil, Minu­tiæ Dog Bootie 3 Packs, and Minu­tiæ Land of Alaz­gar Fan­ta­sy Play­ing Cards. Yet, through it all, we’ve been there to report on the impor­tant sto­ries that mat­ter the most to the most impor­tant peo­ple that mat­ter: the pay­ing subscriber.

Bryce Dal­las Hardridge