

1863-ad-for-writersFound­ed in 1862 by Alvin Hardridge and his broth­er Nat, Minu­tiæ was once the #1 dog bootie mag­a­zine in the coun­try, far eclips­ing the less­er dog foot-cov­er­ing relat­ed peri­od­i­cals, exclud­ing the now-defunct “Dog Foot & Sock Quar­ter­ly.” Dur­ing World War II, all con­tent was replaced with heav­i­ly encrypt­ed mes­sages in Nava­jo to be sent amongst the Allies, most­ly con­cern­ing pro­ce­dures for clean­ing and stor­ing of pots and tent poles. After peace had been obtained, it became a lifestyle mag­a­zine for the Nava­jo, spawn­ing “Minu­tiæ Sports” and “Minu­tiæ Home & Gar­den.” In 1978, pub­lish­ing mag­nate Har­ris Fell­man bought the mag­a­zine and reörganized it into the cur­rent iter­a­tion (though sev­er­al buy­outs and cor­po­rate strug­gles have occurred since).

The mag­a­zine is a star­tling and bold pub­li­ca­tion of the cur­rent events and top­ics that con­cern Amer­i­ca and the world today.

“It’s bour­geois for the pro­le­tari­at.” — Arthur Ashe

