
Issue #4 “Safety” Available Now

Safe­ty is now avail­able as a PDF.

In this issue: Lady talks about Crumbs, Safe­crack­ing with the Sil­ver Ser­pent, Tour Report with for­mer mem­ber of pop band R@scalz, Crys­tal Wolves on record­ing their fol­low-up LP, Life at Fire Sta­tion 20, and much much more!

Found on the back of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Cave 7), it is writ­ten “I am your shel­ter from the deep. Your cov­er from storm. Your dead­bolt. Your lock screen. Your ‘make sure there are no nuts in it.’ Your back-up. Your front-up. Your side airbags. Your para­chute. Your ortho­pe­dic boot. Your full body UV-reflec­tor suit. Your over­draw warn­ing. Your wake up call in the morn­ing. Your guard. Your gate in the front yard. Your insur­ance card. Your mar­garine instead of lard. Your pre­scrip­tion writ­ing bard. I am your Safe­ty. Lay in my bosom, buddy.”