

Contributors — Prestige


Clark Dawes (“Cos­ta Rica Report,” p. 7) is a jour­nal­ist and the only Minu­tiæ staff mem­ber cur­rent­ly in prison.

Tam Par­sons (“Sports Round Up,” p. 12) is a writer, actor, dancer, singer, gui­tarist, painter, sculp­tor, pho­tog­ra­ph­er, film crit­ic, standup come­di­an, chef, teacher, D.J., magi­cian, prancer, and mar­itime lawyer liv­ing in Los Ange­les. This is her first time cov­er­ing sports for Minutiæ.

Andrew Wit­ty (“The Rap Game Today,” p. 15) is an aspir­ing writer from Brook­lyn and the C.F.O. of Glax­o­SmithK­line, a mas­sive multi­na­tion­al phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny. Check out his Kick­starter for bring­ing Lovaza to schools in Detroit in an old cher­ry red Ford pickup.

Nicholas Knock­er (“Dance Like Your Wife Depends On It,” p. 19) is the pseu­do­nym of a very famous writer who did not want to use his real name because he is embar­rassed by how bad­ly his piece turned out. Let’s just say he likes play­ing games about thrones…

Ronal­do Can­tone (“Hov­er Craft, Hov­er Nev­er,” p. 20) is an award-win­ning bus­boy at a local diner.

Karen Lisa (“Watch Your Baby,” p. 21) was born in Chica­go, grew up in Den­ver, briefly lived in Tuc­son, then moved back in Den­ver, then spent six months in Toron­to, four in Charleston, one in Atlanta, then went to Hous­ton, back again to Den­ver, had a three day stopover in St. Louis, spent some crazy years in Lit­tle Rock and Port­land, and now she calls Mia­mi home. But real­ly, after all that, is any place real­ly home, Karen?

Raquel O’Brien (“Black Van,” p. 23) is 91 years old and has writ­ten a piece for every issue of Minu­tiæ since 1960. For many years, how­ev­er, she was cred­it­ed as “Robert O’Brien” — but then one day, Robert walked into the office and said we should call him “Raquel” from now on. And that was that.

Mr. Coop­er (“Smokin’ In The Boys Room,” p. 25) is the school secu­ri­ty guard and says you can’t park in this lot unless you’re a stu­dent. He does­n’t care if you’re dat­ing a stu­dent. The lot is for stu­dents only.

Dr. Frosty (“Movie Reviews: Ted & Total Recall,” p. 27) is a supervil­lain who has the pow­er to slow­ly low­er the tem­per­a­ture of a room sev­er­al degrees over the course of an hour and also to always know exact­ly what time it is.

Jean Paul Gotye (“Some­body That I Used to Whoa,” p. 29) is a musi­cian, a fash­ion design­er, and a com­bi­na­tion musician/fashion designer.

Dan Davis (“This Mon­th’s Con­trib­u­tors,” p. 2) is the edi­to­r­i­al intern for Minu­tiæ respon­si­ble for assem­bling the bios for this mon­th’s con­trib­u­tors. Since he’s known for his office hijinks, his super­vi­sor Mr. Moli­na warned him not to do any­thing fun­ny with this mon­th’s list, like put him­self in. Well, guess what, Mr. Moli­na? He did.