

Guidance and Advice — Redemption


Susan Alan-Wenswick is a pro­lific Life Spe­cial­ist, work­ing in the metro Mia­mi area. She has writ­ten sev­eral books, includ­ing most recent­ly Trees from Stones: The Nature All Around You

I’m a devout Catholic and just entered into an inter­faith rela­tion­ship. I real­ly like the guy, but my reli­gion is one of the most impor­tant aspects of my life and I’m hav­ing trou­ble not being able to share it with him.
Rela­tion­ships are about mak­ing com­pro­mis­es and tak­ing chances. Find aspects of your faith that you and your new beau can share. Is it the belief in a high­er pow­er? Is it the moral guid­ance? Is it the idea that inter­course can only hap­pen dur­ing a full moon because of the tides in the Par­adise Grot­to? What­ev­er it is, remem­ber to also embrace the dif­fer­ences. That’s what makes a rela­tion­ship keeps things interesting.

I recent­ly moved from Boston and am look­ing to become more involved in the com­mu­ni­ty. I used to spend a lot of time at a syn­a­gogue, but I’m wor­ried about being alien­at­ed. I hate being the new person!
I had the same issue when I first came to Secret Mead­ow. Some­times a new com­mu­ni­ty  of like mind­ed and intense­ly focused peo­ple can seem scary at first, but once you embrace it (the cus­toms, the sched­ule, the burlap cloth­ing), you’ll real­ize that even though they call it “Morn­ing Dredge,” it’s just break­fast. Plus, you may find inter­ests you nev­er knew you had. For exam­ple, I didn’t know I liked weld­ing until I start­ed work­ing on the Star Cruiser!

Ma’am, this is FBI Agent Brew­ster, we believe that the “com­mu­ni­ty” you have been stay­ing with for the past two months is a cult.
Uh, sir, that’s ridicu­lous. If that was the case, I’m sure my new boyfriend Clan Mas­ter who brought me to Secret Mead­ow would have said some­thing while we were in the Par­adise Grotto.

Well, ma’am, what did he you tell you?
He told me he was a rock­et scientist!

Just because some­one says they are going to build a space­ship, doesn’t make them a rock­et scientist.
Look, he’s a renais­sance man! He’s a painter, a mod­el, a singer, a poet, a guide and a genius. I mean, how many celes­tial path­ways have you dis­cov­ered, you narc? Plus, he’s a finan­cial wiz­ard. He was able to put all of my mon­ey into leaf­ber­ries. I bet you haven’t even HEARD of leaf­ber­ries, you fed!
Leave me alone! I am miss­ing the tea cer­e­mo­ny. Clan Mas­ter says if any of us miss the tea cer­e­mo­ny it’s going to be anoth­er 30,000 years until we can board the Star Cruis­er to take us to Heaven’s Mead­ow! Oh no, they’re already tak­ing the pre-board­ing elixir. And now they’re get­ting all sleepy, just like we’re sup­posed to! I’m being left behind! And now they’re not mov­ing. Oh… Do you know where I could find out how much leaf­ber­ry com­modi­ties are worth? Oh dear… ✦