

Talking with Strangers of No Interest


Every month Minu­ti­ae sits down with one ran­dom, unspe­cial stranger. This month it was Win­ston, Casano­va of New Jer­sey, who approached the edi­tors while they were hav­ing a meet­ing in a Wendy’s Old Fash­ioned Ham­burg­ers. He wears sun­glass­es inside, a Zel­da shirt, kha­ki shorts with pulled-up socks, and car­ries a mag­a­zine bag with drum sticks. He is a real per­son, though his name has been changed for obvi­ous reasons*.

Minu­ti­ae: What.
Win­ston: What are you guys doing?
M: We’re mak­ing a pre­tend magazine.
W: Oh, well I just saw you guys had a bunch of papers here and you looked like you were hav­ing fun.
M: We’re writ­ing arti­cles about thankfulness.
W: Oh.
M: For Thanksgiving.
W: I usu­al­ly spend Thanks­giv­ing alone, because I don’t know any­one here.
M: —
W: Where are you guys from?
M: The East Coast.
W: I’m from New Jersey.
M: Do you ever miss it?
W: I miss the piz­za. There’s no good piz­za here.
M: Yeah. Is there any­thing you don’t miss?
W: I don’t miss run­ning into ex-girl­friends every­where I go.
M: Did that hap­pen a lot?
W: Yes. What do you guys do?
M: This mag­a­zine is very prof­itable. What do you do?
W: I’m a pro­gram­mer; I work with aug­ment­ed reality.
M: Like when you look at the world through your iPhone’s cam­era and it knows what you’re look­ing at?
W: Heh, well that’s a small part of aug­ment­ed real­i­ty. I’m work­ing on the action fig­ures for the new James Cameron film.
M: How does that work with toys?
W: You have to wear spe­cial glasses.
M: What are you thank­ful for?
W: Um. Can­ter’s Deli is good. Also, that I don’t have to run into an ex-girl­friend wher­ev­er I go. Seri­ous­ly, God it was so awk­ward. It was like, “hey…” I’m just try­ing to eat.
M: Thank you.
M: What a nerd
M: Total nerd.
M: What’s his deal?
M: I hate this place.

*This obvi­ous rea­son for Min­tu­iæ’s con­sid­er­a­tion is that if his ex-girl­friends found out where he was, his life would fall into shambles.