
Hold Thankfulness In Your Hands

Thank­ful­ness is now avail­able to pur­chase for around 2 bucks depend­ing if there is still the sale going on when you read this and where you are get­ting it shipped to.

Accord­ing to the print­er, Mag­Cloud, “[they] print mag­a­zines on one type of paper for both the inte­ri­or and cov­er pages. It is an 80# mat­te text stock that is FSC-cer­ti­fied and 50% recy­cled — 10% post con­sumer waste and 40% pre-con­sumer waste.” I have held one in my hands and allow me to tell you that this is a stock of heft and mag­nif­i­cent sheen. The cov­er art looks damn fine incred­i­ble laid upon this paper selection.

Order many for hol­i­day presents as a way to alien­ate your loved ones.