
Issue #1 Is Out

coverrrThank­ful­ness is avail­able right now as a PDF.

Chaucer wrote “He laid upon me his hands, breath and eyes. In return, I give my ever­last­ing thanks.” Words writ­ten mere mil­len­nia ago come alive in our every­day. Tip for a shoe shine or a hearty hand­shake for push­ing us out of the way of a speed­ing bul­let car. Hold­ing a door open for a war vet­er­an on their way to a tick­er tape parade. A firm and slow pat on the but­tocks to show just how much after school tutor­ing means. A set of fine chi­na for the fire­man from the city that does­n’t know how to say I love you with its mouth. A gold­en pis­tol to stop hunger. Thus, Minu­tiæ presents a com­pi­la­tion of jour­nal­ism, report­ing, art and words that cat­a­pult the notions of soci­ety into the stratos­phere before gen­tly bring­ing it back into the mind of the everyman. 

A print­ed ver­sion is also avail­able.