
Progress has Arrived

Minu­tiæ #5 Progress is now avail­able for down­load as PDF.

In this breath­tak­ing rev­o­lu­tion­ary issue:

    • A Good Start: A new “com­ic strip” from artist Daniel.
    • On the Scoop: Zip­pers: A vis­it to Gal­liger’s Zip­per Repair to get the scoop behind the coolest cloth­ing fas­ten­ing device around.
    • It’s Got­ten Bet­ter: Read how Boston’s McK­int­ley High School is mak­ing Amer­i­ca’s his­tor­i­cal­ly most humil­i­at­ing years safer for their students
    • The Future Para­dox: We learn about sci­ence fic­tion mas­ter William Park­er Wroth­gate’s first new book in over 30 years.
    • Odysseus: The Post­cards: Archae­ol­o­gist Dr. Jean Pal­jeanette III uncov­ered the post­cards the Greek hero Odysseus sent to his wife Pene­lope while mak­ing the jour­ney back home from the Tro­jan War… And Minu­tiæ’s got ’em!
    • Inside Bopp­bopp: Minu­tiæ dives into the Inter­net’s hottest and most talked about sur­face ever.

And much much more. Go grab the issue now!