

Giant Hole Fillers from Karen Walton


Karen Wal­ton is the own­er and “Chief Can­dy Con­fec­tion­er” of Sweet Teeth, the arti­sanal dessert shop with loca­tions in Brook­lyn, Austin, and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia at Berkley Din­ing Hall. Her new cook­book “Throat­ful of Sug­ar” will be avail­able for dig­i­tal down­load ear­ly next year.

Many famous foods are known for places: Chica­go Deep Dish, New Eng­land Clam Chow­der, Flori­da Cof­fee, and — of course — the Philly Cheeses­teak. But some­times you don’t have time for a whole cheeses­teak. You just have time for a small one. Prefer­ably rolled into a ball. And eat­en as a dessert instead of a main dish. That’s why I cre­at­ed the Giant Hole Phillers to sell at my Sweet Teeth stores.

Based on a recipe I invent­ed when I print­ed a Philly cheeses­teak recipe on a piece of paper that already had a donut hole recipe print­ed on it – the Philler is the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of meat, cheese, and pas­try, and has been one of my Brook­lyn store’s most pop­u­lar items for months. They’ve been prac­ti­cal­ly licked off the shelves! Some­times even actu­al­ly licked. And oth­er times just pur­chased nor­mal­ly. Any­way, with this recipe, you can make your own from scratch. That is, except for the Sweet Teeth-brand Organ­ic Cheese Juice. That’s a secret recipe, and you’ll have to pur­chase the mix either through our online store.

5 cups of veg­etable oil, for frying
1 large egg
1 cup milk
2 cups of all-pur­pose flour
1 more egg
2 table­spoons sugar
4 mini tea­spoons bak­ing powder
3 small eggs
½ fin­ger of unsalt­ed butter
2 ½ pounds of strip loin, trimmed
1 mouth­ful of sautéed mushrooms
5 1/2 more large eggs
1 glass of caramelized onions
½ fist of grilled peppers
2 smells of vanil­la yogurt
3 pack­lets of Sweet Teeth-brand Organ­ic Cheese Juice
1 final egg, any size, you choose (for decoration)

Com­bine egg, milk, flour, sug­ar, egg, bak­ing pow­der, salt, but­ter, egg, strip loin, mush­rooms, onions, eggs, eggs, pep­pers, and vanil­la yogurt in a plas­tic bag. Roll into balls. Place balls into boil­ing veg­etable oil. As balls brown, pour in cheese juice. Top with egg and serve on moist paper towel.