

Department of Salutations — Reconciliation


Hel­lo, there. I am Greg F. Hap­sner, Pub­lic Liai­son Offi­cer for Ridgecomm, the pre­mier Amer­i­can telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pa­ny. We are thrilled to be the new own­ers of Minu­tiæ Pub­lish­ing, fol­low­ing the col­lapse of Test­ing Sys­tem at the hands of the For­eign Cor­rupt Prac­tices Act. We hope the US Mar­shals bring their entire exec­u­tive board back to the Unit­ed States to stand tri­al, which is why we’re so thrilled with this mon­th’s theme: Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion. At the core, Ridgecomm is all about bring­ing peo­ple togeth­er, be it by offer­ing excit­ing cable tele­vi­sion pack­ages, blaz­ing­ly fast inter­net con­nec­tiv­i­ty, or our afford­able phone services.

Some­times con­nect­ing with folks can be tough. One of the more infu­ri­at­ing aspects of tele­pho­ny are lost sig­nals, so we make sure to record every con­ver­sa­tion on our lines in case a call ever drops. It’s because we care. With all the cord cut­ting going on, mod­ern tele­pho­ny some­times seem

s like more trou­ble than the con­ve­nience it offers. That’s why excit­ing ser­vices like Sig­nal-Loca­tor allow your tele­phone to be tracked, no mat­ter where you go, or even if the phone is off. All this and more in excit­ing pack­ages like Super­Play, Web+SpeedBoost with NFL Play­back, Local Any­time Rollover Pre­mi­um Chan­nels, 3D Web, Web+JetBoost with TBS Week­end Cav­al­ry, Visu­al Radio+JetBoost Quad Play and FCC Required Low Income Web Access (still com­ing soon).

Ridgecomm began as Blueridge Tele­pho­ny in 1886 before expand­ing West in 1912 to ser­vice the Amer­i­can South­west as Redridge Tele­phon­ics & Humid­i­fi­ca­tions, before becom­ing Ridge Com­mu­ni­ca­tions in 1941. In 1982, the com­pa­ny was split up by the US Depart­ment of Jus­tice into Ridgecomm, Rock­pho­ny, Kreft!, and MOGAVO. Since then Ridgecomm has expand­ed into offer­ing tele­phone, high def­i­n­i­tion tele­vi­sion and high speed inter­net in excit­ing bun­dle pack­ages like Ultratainment+SpeedBoost, Trips4Six, and Ring+Bling+Zing For Teens.

There’s so much wor­ry about inter­net cen­sor­ship that Ridgecomm has intro­duced spe­cial ser­vices to ensure that you won’t ever lose access to the online tools you love & depend on. Ridgecom­m’s Email Proof­mas­ter reads, cat­a­logs, and fix­es your errors to ensure that you say what YOU want to say. Our Core6 cyber­se­cu­ri­ty team is con­stant­ly mon­i­tor­ing all web traf­fic for mali­cious virus­es or copy­right­ed mate­r­i­al that could harm your sys­tem or infect your chil­dren’s minds. Addi­tion­al­ly, our Pet­Watch web cam soft­ware keeps a 360° eye on your house whether you’re home or not!

Ridgecomm will keep all of your ser­vices stream­ing at light­ning fast speeds to your home or office with cut­ting-edge pack­ages like Lights+SpeedBoost with CS

PAN Music, Blogs+SliceBoost World Hotel Info Chan­nels, Secret Neigh­bor­hood Web with Open­Share, and Watchin­gU for Col­lege Stu­dents. You must always stay con­nect­ed with Ridgecomm! ♦