
Issue #6 “Fairness” Available Now

Minu­tiæ #6 Fair­ness is now avail­able for down­load as a PDF.

fairness coverIt was first the Carthagini­ans who, in cuneiform, asked “how late can we stay out?” and since that time mankind has searched for a bal­ance in the fog­gy blur­ry area where laws do not hold firm and fast: Cut­ting in line when your friend is sav­ing you a space. Hav­ing to work an after school job while the oth­er kids get an allowance. Watch­ing the girl you love go off with Bran­don because he has the guts to actu­al­ly ask her out. “Every sin­gle day we encounter injus­tice and bat­tle against the odds,” said Cole Porter, “this leg ain’t real.” And his joy­ous cel­e­bra­tion of life rings out amongst the lands to this day. Fol­low Minu­tiæ as we present edi­to­ri­als, arti­cles, illus­tra­tions and more in our inves­ti­ga­tion of Fair­ness.

In this ground break­ing enlight­en­ing issue:

And so much more jour­nal­ism, illus­tra­tions, adver­tise­ments, info­graph­ics, and editorials.

Go con­sume the issue now!