

Food // 11.14

Stuff it in your craw. Slurp it down your gullet. Suck it in your hole. However you devour, we all do it. The genius at Charmed Pluot have taken over Minutiæ to bring you the most important journalism there will ever be.

Friction // 7.14

It keeps us from moving forward. Holds us back from getting ahead. Grinds. Drags. Scrapes. But we need it. We have to have it. Because without it, nothing means anything.

Redemption // 3.14

They done you wrong. You done wrong. Wrong has was done. Yet, there are ways to turn it around. Make it better. Do right. Turn the darkness into the light.

Minutiæ 100 // 11.13

The 100 Most Important People, Places, and Ideas from 2013

Minutiæ Kids // 9.13

BACK TO SCHOOL ALREADY!?!?!?! No more summer is for sure a bummer, but it's time to get cool with some righteously whammy stuff that Minutiæ Kids has jam-packed for you in this issue.

Purity // 1.70

White curtains gently flutter in the late afternoon summer breeze in the room where your daughter naps. Downstairs you stare at the glass of whiskey, wondering if you can hold off long enough before your husband comes back from work to stop you. Natural. Simplicity. Purity.

Strength // 2.13

A necessary investigation of what muscles, mind and might.

Giving // 11.12

In this age of super natural disasters, fiduciary unraveling, and the pre-post apocalyptic marauding, it is ever more important to think of others, donate your time, and being charitable to the world. Come with us now, as we explore the nature of giving.

Prestige // 8.12

Ribbons. Plaques. Medals. Statues. Meat Baskets.

Reconciliation // 1.70

Celebrate the Minutiæ Sesquicentennail with a delve into the bonds between man, woman and child. What brings us together, what draws us apart.

Fairness // 1.70

A peek at the corners of what keeps society from eating each other whole.

Progress // 1.70

A nervous glance where we've come from and a forward staring gawk towards the future.

Safety // 1.70

Look both ways at this study of the sharp multi-pronged sword of protection.

Wellness // 1.70

A retrospective on eating right, active lifestyles and modern medicine.

Thankfulness // 1.70

An exploration of thankfulness, appreciation, tipping, happiness and general glee for the actions of others.


Reconciliation CoverAll Aboard the CoreTrainThe Runway — PrestigeProgress CoverContributors — PrestigeConnect The DotsDepartment of Salutations — ReconciliationTalking with Strangers of No InterestKids’ Bedtimes Across the WorldThe Purest Mood of AllDepartment of Salutations — FrictionGuidance and Advice — StrengthIt’s Gotten BetterPsychedelics by StrengthIn PrintPurity CoverLady Crumbs2160 Minutes in… TorontoBeauty and the Pageant BeastThe New LuxuryThankfulness CoverSafety CoverOn the Scoop: ZippersVapor WhereThe Many Uses of Safety Pins Through The YearsThe Principal That’s Cool At School!Fairness CoverA Good StartBureau of TelegraphonyStuffing your RollContributors — FairnessBoy Story ThreeGuidance and Advice — PrestigeHappenings in the City — PurityA Message From the Minutiæ Cycling TeamRedemption CoverDebunking SisyphusMinutiæ ApologiesWorth The SqueezePrestige Cover2160 Minutes In… TokyoGrizzly InsultsHeistBurning MacSkill Games — CluedoThe Coolest Candy in the WorldLife at Fire Station 20Department of Salutations — FoodDepartment of Salutations — StrengthThe Coolest Fall Election GuideCharmed Pluot CoverContributors — ReconciliationTelecastation — The Evening NewsFrozen Getting FreezerOn the Menu — FoodNothing To See QueerHappenings in the City — GivingPulse of the UnionWorth CoverThe Right to Wear ArmsCool Stuff Going OnSecond Thought — WellnessPunk’n PatchesOdysseus: The PostcardsStrength CoverDepartment of Salutations — FairnessBringing Down the NuhauserTelecastation — PrestigeCatching the “Cool” DiseaseAgency of Cörrespondences + Communiqués — 14The Evolution of Modern MusicThe World Fights BackHi-Fi & Headphones — Crystal WolvesBear BrawlThe Rain KingDesigning the OlympicsInside BoppboppDepartment of Salutations — ProgressThe FingerMein InsectsWellness CoverKids CoverLemonade’s StandTour ReportGuidance and Advice — RedemptionMeet the MeatLiterati — ProgressSmoke & Mirrors — 1910Safecracking with the Silver SerpentFriction Cover2160 Minutes In… Your Own Home!Department of Salutations — SafetyHow Value is Created in the Art MarketA Writer’s RoomShell ShockGiant Hole Fillers from Karen Walton
